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John 3: 16

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

A little boy said to his dad what colour is the wind,
The dad replied I do not know but most of us would find,
It’s like the water from the tap sort of see through colour lad,
Stretch your hand out and feel the breeze,
Comes on your face and round your knees,
The wind blows leaves down off the trees.

They can get in your clothes and on your head,
A piece could get in your bed,
I’ve tried to tell you little man the colour of the wind,
It’s like God’s love is everywhere and helps you when you’re blind,
It’s isn’t easy not to see and questions must be asked,
So you will know what’s going on it really is a task.