Remember the good old days when you washed with a board,
There was no television no phone in the hall,
The iron you put on the gas stove to heat,
And hoped you didn’t drop it right on to your feet.
Monday was wash day you changed all your sheets,
Tuesday you made your front room nice and neat,
Wednesday was bedrooms you just made them gleam,
Thursdays the toilet it had to be cleaned.
Friday the kitchen the germs not forgot,
Saturday shopping day potatoes the lot,
There’s everything there,
Hope there’s nothing forgot.
Sunday arrives off to church we do go,
In our best bib and tucker just look at Aunt Flo,
A nice pretty dress a great big brimmed hat,
She would sit in the front of me and that would be that.
What good old days with no rushing around,
The old bus and tram and a couple of pound,
It’s a shame that things have had to change,
And now we’re in mad world of rage.